If there's a size that I love, it's got to be anything mini. Mini cheesecakes, mini cupcakes, mini tarts... You get the gist. I'd like to believe the guilt and sin comes in mini size as well. :P So I've decided to whip up my own mini 'Kuih Bakar' otherwise known as 'Kuih Kemboja'

It wasn't very easy but I just made one mini kuih to feed my sweet tooth craving. This tastes just like eating a cripsy kuih with kaya filling minus the egg.

I didn't follow a recipe and just went with my gut feeling for this one. Easy peasy. Here goes:
Ingredients:(Makes 1)

Ingredients:(Makes 1)
- 50mL coconut milk
- 15mL of water
- 1/8 cup flour
- 1/4 tbsp butter
- 1/8 tsp sugar
- pinch of salt
- a drop of pandan paste
- 15mL of water
- Sesame seeds, to sprinkle
- Preheat oven to 175°C. Mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl until well combined.
- Pour the batter into a cupcake mould until almost full.
- Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.
- Bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when poked in the middle.

What it looks like in the centre. It is slightly under baked because I didn't want to poke it for photography purposes and I was too hungry to wait any longer. :P
Thanks for submitting the second entry :D Such a good gal! I think I need to hunt down a pasar Ramadhan to get some of these kuih bakar
Haha! I should thank you instead for taking the time to read my posts. :)
Wow .. you´re one hardworking girl! Lovely entries and thanks for sharing us the recipes. I love Kuih Bakar a lot but never attempted it though coz don´t have pandan paste with me but who knows, one day will just attempt them with pandan essense and imagine the kuih green in colour hehe. Happy Merdeka btw :-)
More like I have too much time in my hands! Haha. If you're looking for the green colour maybe you could try using pandan juice? Hope that works.
Happy Merdeka to you too! :D
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